Parakka Wiki

Knights of the Eclips

Knights of the Eclipse uniform

This uniform was chosen to distinguish the Knights from the other branches of the military. The uniform is composed of a study material but also offers more flexibility than standard uniforms.

This uniform was chosen to distinguish the Knights from the other branches of the military. The uniform is composed of a study material but also offers more flexibility than standard uniforms.

This uniform was chosen to distinguish the Knights from the other branches of the military. The uniform is composed of a study material but also offers more flexibility than standard uniforms.

Parakkan Guard

Guard general

The guard uniform is Green with Black and Gold trim, it is made out of the same study material that would be expected for a combat uniform. In addition during combat missions the Guards also wears body armour.

Parakkan Navy


The Navy uniform is a simple jump suite style uniform for maximum efficiency. Like the guard uniform it also comes with body armour when in a combat situation. The Navy uniform is Blue with a black trim. In addition the Navy uniform is made of a standard hard wearing but flexible material

Parakkan Air-Frorce


The Air-Force uniform is again a type of jump suit uniform, though it is predominantly Gray with white trim. On all flight missions the pilots are to wear body armour and a parachute encase they are shot down in enemy territory. In addition the Navy uniform is made of a standard hard wearing but flexible material



The Inquisitor uniform, is different from the other branches as i the Inquisitor Jacket is made out of leather, with a white trim and shoulder padding. The trousers and under shirt are made out of the same type of flexible uniform that if prominent in the rest of the military branches.


Talons uniform

The Talon uniform, is different from the other branches as i the Talon Jacket is made out of leather, with a red trim similar to that of the Inquisitors. However, the jacket is sleeveless with the aim of providing maximum manoeuvrability for the upper body. The trousers and under shirt are made out of the same type of flexible uniform that if prominent in the rest of the military branches.

Cross Branch Command Uniforms


The Cross Branch Command Uniforms are the same for the main military branches (Guard, Navy and Air-Force). They are worn by the top senior commanding officers

Alternative Uniforms

Parakkan Uniforms

Recently Military Command have been discussing the idea of for normalising the uniforms in order to ensure that across the board there is a similar style that is easily recognisable to the people of the Empire and other nations. However the Cross Branch Command Uniform would remain, if these changes where ever adopted.

Military Ranks


Please click on Military Equipment to return to the Military Equipment main section.
